SmartStop 5000 Wireless Tracker | Advantage GPS


SmartStop 5000

Order the SmartStop 5000 today and protect your investments with the most reliable riskmitigation system on the market. With its powerful realtime location tracking, extended battery life and no installation fees, the SmartStop 5000 is the perfect solution for finance professionals looking to safeguard their investments and mitigate risks.

SmartStop 5000 is a selfpowered device that continuously monitors and records the location of a moving vehicles stop events in realtime. SmartStop 5000 keeps you connected longer!

No Installation Labor nor Fees - SmartStop 5000 - Advantage GPS

No Installation Labor or Fees

RealTime Tracking

Long-Lasting Battery

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Powerful Automotive Analytics

Advantage Solutions

Dashboard 200x200 - Advantage GPS

The Advantage interactive dashboard uses cutting-edge technology and data trends to give you an in-depth look at the health of your automotive finance portfolio.

Revo 3.0 - GPS Hardware - Advantage GPS
SmartStop 5000

Stay in control of your vehicles’ whereabouts with the SmartStop 5000 real-time location intelligence device. Enjoy the assurance of knowing precisely where your vehicles are and when they come to a stop.

Mobile App

The Advantage Mobile App is your connection to your collateral. With a few taps, you can easily track, find, and secure your high-valued assets while you’re on the go.